Tuesday, 4 February 2020

Tuhfat Al-Atfal a Quranic Poem to learn Quranic Tajweed

Given the estimation of tajwīd, researchers have given on an enormous scale to the transmission of this science by composing various works as composition or section.

Among these various compositions, we note this versified abstract called al-mouqaddimah (better known by the name of al jazariyyah, one of the eminent researchers the recognized ace of the study of tajwīd and the lectionaries: Mohammad ibn al-Jazariya.

This short condensed by the number of its sections unites with the fundamental standards of tajwīd in a connecting with and direct style, which empowered it to be the content right now the hour of its creator to the present day.

The Imâm Ibn Al-Jazrî of His name and birth, Nicknamed Shams Ad-Dîn Abû Al-Khayr, Muhammad Ibn' Alî Ibn Yûsuf the damascene, the shâfi'ite, was conceived in Damascus on 25 Ramadan 751 AH. His dad was a shipper. Having achieved the age of forty without having youngsters, he went on a journey and drank the water of Zamzam making a pledge to have an educated kid, a guarantee that was satisfied nine months after the fact on 25 Ramadan after the tarâwîh petition. Ijazah Course

He is broadly known under the name of Ibn Al-jazaria about the island of Ibn 'Umar (jazîrat Ibn' Umar) close to Mosul from which he is local Tohfat Al Atfal.

He was the best researcher in the craft of Quranic recitation and the study of the lectionaries (Al-Qirâ'ât). A Shāfi legal counselor, he was otherwise called a Hadîth memorizer and completed a few works in history and etymology. He educated with numerous experts that it is difficult to identify in full.

He completed the remembrance of the Koran at thirteen years old in Damascus. He remembered At-Tanbîh and different works prepared in the specialty of Quranic recitation, tuhfat al atfal. He gained the lectionaries independently from 'Abd Al-Wahhâb Ibn As-Sullâr, from Ahmad Ibn Ibrâhîm At-Tahhân and Ahmad Ibn Rajab, at that point together from Ibrâhîm Al-Hamawî, and Abu Al-Ma'âlî Ibn al-Labban.

He contemplated Hadîth with 'Imâd Ad-Dîn Ibn Kathîr, Ibn Al-Muhibb, and Al-'Irâqî additionally considered Islamic statute with Al-Isnawî, Al-Bulqînî, and Bahâ 'Promotion Dîn Abû Al-Baqâ' As-Subkî. He studied the sciences of foundations, composition, and linguistics with Diya 'Ad-Dîn Al-Qarmi.

He was permitted to fatwa, instructing, and Quranic recitation by numerous researchers, for example, Imâm Ibn Kathîr. He vowed for different foundations, for example, Dâr Al-Hadîth Al-Ashrafiyyah and Turbat Umm As-Sâlih following his educator Ibn As-Sullâr. He acknowledged instructing at As-Salâhiyyah Al-Qudsiyyah school after Al-Muhibb Ibn Al-Burhân Ibn Jamâ'ah somewhere in the range of 795 and 797 AH.

He died at his home in Shiraz on 15 Rabî' Al-Awwal 833 AH and was covered in the school he established there.

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